
Read some of our reviews.

The mission of this project is to offer the first and the largest crypto reclaim solution by providing the potential for billions of dollars in misappropriated cryptocurrency to be effectively and legally reclaimed.

I just got my ethers back

Rated 5 out of 5
November 16, 2021

My ETH just got reversed to my wallet few minutes ago and i cant contain how i feel. 168 Ethers i lost to telegram scammers which i thought was gone. I am happy i took that bold step to take a chance. Special appreciation to you guys.

Avatar for Derick

It was worth the wait

Rated 5 out of 5
November 11, 2021

Slow responses from my assigned agent but i got my funds back. A little bit longer than i presumed but it was worth it at the end. I received my stolen assets back.

I will be careful with my cryptos next time though.

Avatar for John Benson
John Benson

Thank you Aaron

Rated 5 out of 5
November 2, 2021

I was assigned to Aaron and he was so helpful. I was able to recovery my ethereum that i sent by mistake to another wallet.

Avatar for Bruce

Your service is well appreicated

Rated 5 out of 5
October 30, 2021

My Jaxx wallet was compromised because of an app i downloaded on playstore which wasn’t legitimate. All my coins were cleared out above 200k USD. I contacted Recover crypto and i was able to get every single asset i owned back. Replies were slow at some point but it totally worth it.

Avatar for Gabriel Martin
Gabriel Martin

God bless you guys.

Rated 5 out of 5
October 27, 2021

I was devastated when i lost my funds but i am happy i crossed path with recovery crypto. It took about two weeks and i was already doubting and loosing faith but when i go my funds out, i was so relaxed and renewed. Thank you once again!

Avatar for Peterside Marylene
Peterside Marylene

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